Friday, November 12, 2010

One Homeless Night--November 13-14, 2010

It is an exciting time at Second as we embark on our first "One Homeless Night" experience.  Our youth and several adults will be spending the night on the church grounds, in solidarity with over 2,000 teenagers in the Kansas City metro area that are without a roof over their heads.  It's hard to beleve that the average age of a homeless person in the metro is 7 years old.  Our youth will be sharing there experience here on this blog and we hope you are interested in what they have to say and how it is affecting their daily lives.
--Paula M. Isgrig
Director of Children's and Youth Ministrry

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

As I said in my first sermon at Second, “With a large and talented congregation, a diversity of perspectives, a welcoming nature, younger and older members and a propitious location in this great city, Second Presbyterian is uniquely suited to minister God’s grace and truth - for such a time as this!”  The 21st Century is squarely upon us and many churches have struggled to find their footing in our postmodern world.   Yet, rather than circle the wagons, Second has chosen to embrace today’s diverse and changing world, knowing that Christ desires to speak and minister the gospel through us in ways that are both generous and germane. 

On this blog we invite you to post reflections on what you love about Second and what you will love about Second as we continue to grow and adapt in ways that are important to the city, to you and the ministries here…